
Kangaroo International Mathematics Competition

Kangaroo Mathematics Competition is an international competition, in which 109 countries all over the world participate. This competition interested in focusing on the logical constructions of mathematics and building applied skills rather than knowing mathematical formulas and equations. This competition aims to help the transition from theories to practice. The competition was introduced in 1980 in Australia by mathematics teacher Peter Hallron; it succeeded tremendously as a national competition around Australia, and then it moved to France in 1991, and registered in its first version nearly 120 thousand students, in according to this success , 21 countries participated in the competition It was proposed to establish Kangaroo Without Borders. In 1995, the competition was officially registered in Paris, the Council was elected and the basic policies were legally approved. The number of countries that joined the competition increased to include countries in Asia, Africa and South America. Now the contest is over 6 million Student participate annually all over the world . Kangaroo International Mathematics Competition differs from other competitions in that it focuses on developing issues that require the development of creativity skills, critical analysis and problem solving and getting students to deal with mathematical issues from different aspects , thus developing students' positive attitude in life.

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The objectives

of Kangaroo International Mathematics Competition

Promoting a passion for mathematics.

Developing students' ability to extract pleasure through thinking.

Anchoring the importance of mathematics education in every part of the world.

Developing mathematical skills and ability to solve arithmetic problems.

Applying mathematical concepts, and link them to daily life.

Discover the outstanding students in mathematics.


Kangaroo International Mathematics Competition

  • 01

    26th September, 2024

    Start of Registration.

  • 02

    31st December, 2024

    End of Registration.

  • 03

    22nd March, 2025

    Announcement of Exams Timetable for Each Level.

  • 04

    28th - 29th March, 2025

    Kangaroo International Mathematics Test.

  • 05

    21st April, 2025

    Announcement of Results and E-Certificates.

  • 06

    21st May to 30th June, 2025

    Handing over medals for winners.

The competition mechanism and conditions

Grade The level of racing in kangaroo Number of test questions Test time in minutes
First and second primary The first 24 60
Third and fourth primary The second 24 60
Fifth and sixth primary The third 30 75
Preparatory 1 and Preparatory 2 The fourth 30 75
Preparatory3 and the first secondary The fifth 30 75
Second and third secondary The Sixth 30 75

Tests are organized and administered electronically (online) - with electronic monitoring

Conditions for participation in the competition

  • - Students enrolled in pre-university education (from first grade to third secondary).
  • - The registration fee is 325 Egyptian Pounds (including value-added tax).
  • - Late participation in the international competition have to pay 400 L.E; the late participation fee, starting from the January 1, 2025 to March 8, 2025 (including the value added taxes).
  • - The student should not be more than 19 years old.
  • - The student is committed to the place and date of the test to be nominated.
  • - Payment fee in the competition is non-refundable.

Kangaroo International Mathematics Competition Awards

NB:The e-certificate will be on the student’s private account on the company’s website and the student has the right to download, print or keep it.

Honorary medals for the winners.

Excellence e-certificates for all the participants who got 50% and above.

Participation e-certificates for all participants

Individual Performance Report for every participant.

The questions and answer form in Arabic and English for the Kangaroo International Competition in Math:

Frequently Asked Questions


A: The competition was established in 1980 and is organized around the world from 1991.

A: All grades from First grade to Twelfth grade.

A: The exam for each of the first and second levels is 24 questions, while the remaining levels from the third to the sixth each level consists of 30 questions.

A: The exam for the first and second level is 60 minutes, while the remaining levels from the third to the sixth are 75 minutes.

A: The benefits are multiple
• Recognizing your level in math comparing with your colleagues in the same grade all over the world.
• You will get a certificate of participation in the Kangaroo International Mathematics Competition.
• This certificate will help you to apply for scholarships either local or international.
• Enjoying math.
• Helping you to accept math applying skills , rather than memorizing and indoctrination .
• Developing the logical thinking area of mathematics in the cerebral cortex.
• Developing the ability to solve problems.

A: No, this competition is designed to face all different levels of students all over the world through pheasant in questions difficulty and considering the distribution of the number of questions to match all students' levels.

A: There are several benefits:
• Regesting the participation of the school in a global competition.
• Knowledge of the level of school compared with the level of other local schools , and the level of students globally in mathematics.
• Attractive and fun activity for students in the love of mathematics, with the encouragement and development of motivation and spirit of competition among students.
• Global competitiveness in the field of mathematics for all students at different levels of education and different levels of education.

A: The test is available this year in Arabic and English for all levels. The student chooses the appropriate test language for him.

The test is also available in French and German for the grades from third primary to third secondary. The student chooses the appropriate language for him.